Saturday, December 8, 2012

December ♥

It's December people! To me , December is always a month that warm everyone's heart and full of joy. Blame my laziness, its already the 8th day of December and here i am with my very first post of the month. Oh! and not to forget to mention that i'm officially graduated from my high school! Which means i'm stepping into another chapter of my life,still can't get the books OFF. Next chapter will be 'College life'! Most of the people would call that 'Life', a stage that you can enjoy as much as you want before stepping in another new chapter. Am i right? haha. I hope it really is.... Before that , i was thinking how am i going to spend my favorite month, December. Like every year i'll spend my wonderful and magical Christmas with my family. Having party at home,set up a beautiful tree and searching around for some suitable presents for the relatives and siblings. It was fun! Although it really takes time to do all that but its worth because is Christmas! It is a magical month to me besides February my birthday month. Obviously right after my birthday i'll be thinking what should i get for my Christmas from my beloved mummy, my santa  Every year i do really enjoy this month with my family! Go to different mall to have a look of their creative decoration and those cute gifts shops and so on.

( 2012 Christmas Decoration @ One Utama )
I'm sad to say that this year would be DIFFERENT ! Mum said this year we not gonna have party at home! WHAT?! She didn't say why but we're not gonna celebrating Christmas at home! Maybe i'll spend my Christmas outside with someone special Besides, I was looking for a job. Eventually, i found one. A job that i have to stay away from home and move my ass up to the hill. I was pretty excited because i get to work together with my baby and babe. It was a good chance to keep us closer for a month, i mean me and my baby because next month he will be going for National Service. 3 months without him is a hell to me. *cries* But that was not the only reason why i did such a decision that leaving home and work far away. Of course its because of the good pay! My mum tried to stop me not only once, i know she was worried about me. She said that the pay is not a big deal! You can also get this pay here. But then, she added 'Do what you like!' Maybe she's trying to tell me its dangerous outside. She was so unsure that i can take good care of myself there. This time her words does not beat me down. I'll go for it! Take some experience or lessons. I think in our life , we will surely make some silly and wrong decisions. Its alright for me! I'm ready to take the risk!

Didn't know that i crapped that much! Isn't it boring? Viewing or reading a blog that full of words which so unsparing or probably called it as Rubbish. To me it is! But....i feels good after sharing my feelings or what i want to say in this entry :) No matter you read it or not , i would still like to thank all of you who view and read my blog all the time 
By the way , i'll try to blog more often alright? Please visit me often too ♥ 

Ps : Can you do me a favor by hitting the advertisement above? love ya!

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