Monday, December 10, 2012

BAD DAY !!!!!

YESSS !! Yesterday was a BAD DAYYYYY !! Totally depressed and frustrated at the same time. This was what in my mind last night. Everything messed up! First , one of our 'friend' told us last night that he will not go for the job that i've mentioned in the previous post. What now?! We are currently Jobless now because of his shitty decision and he screwed everything up! Thought we gonna work hard together to have a better January and be ready for CNY. Now..... nothing! He rejected the job because he found another one which located in KL. True, more convenience and low expenses. The problem is he didn't even discuss with us at all! If we didn't call him and ask about it , i don't think he will tell us until the last minute or maybe the day before we head to the hill. Why can people be so 'roti canai' , so irresponsible and selfish? Turn here and there. Talk differently every time. At least , should let us know earlier right? Common sense please.. This is not a surprise! You don't have to keep everything secretly and just show up at the very last second. The moment he told us, we knew we had been used for his own sake. Lesson to be learn! As for another side still glad that i'm here for Christmas :) 

Second , baby boy lost his phone!!!! At the moment he told us that his phone is missing ,we (just both of us) was so panic! Searching around the place that we've been but still not found. While we was searching around,some of our friends tries to be funny and talk those 'lame jokes' or i called it as rubbish! I was so pissed and they were pretty annoying! Wrong timing dude, you guys should have pay more attention looking for the phone but not with your mouth talking those craps. I feels like yelling at them and ask them to shut their mouth up! But i didn't...i was so tension and concentrating looking for the phone. 
Don't know why but yes , i cried in the car. My tears just uncontrollable rolling down to my cheeks. 
9.12.2012 is was a bad day for both of us! Hope after this black day , everything will goes smoothly from now on and good lucks comes to us all the time! 
No more anger post after this ... i hope so..
Stay tuned for more interesting post / tempting foods post with shitty description.

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