Friday, November 9, 2012

Short Break ♥

Finally i'm here to clear the dust! Apparently i'm having a week of break before sitting for the next papers! Like finally i can take a breath *inhale exhale* I can smell some freedom now. Can't wait to go for some outing with my friends and family! 
Besides, i'm wondering why nowadays the weather that 'bad'? I mean non-stop 'crying' like madly. Gosh, i wonder why it seems scary to me. I want the sunny days back! Its like a bad sign to everyone now! 
Forgot about it , no point worrying for nothing. As if we can change the fact lol. So should enjoy my life to the fullest! Yay! Who's with me? hehe..
I did my another DIY manicure last night. Its was my first try! The outcome was surprisingly neat,simple & nice. Isn't it? haha. I'm proud of myself actually...oppss :x I just simply love it
Stay tuned for the next update! Will try to get rid of my laziness *peace* 

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