Friday, October 26, 2012

OH M GEE !! ♥

Ohai , finally i'm here to clean the 'spider webs' up! Recently i was quite stress with SPM which i'll be sitting next month. Let me count how many days left...Ummmm...calendar *checked* Exactly 10 more days left! WHAT?! OMMGGG!! 10 more days?! Are you seriously?! Are you kidding me?! accept it chloe! its time for you to face the fact. I didn't realize that next month will be that close, i always thought it is still far away, not that far but not that close like 10 days lol. Nothing else i can do now except 'expanding' my brain memory to memorize all the notes , formula and etc in a short time like this. Oh! and not to forget finger-crossing everyday. Please! Pray for me!! I'm so not ready. This time i can go bang wall for real! Pheww~ time flies that fast till i can't even take a single breath. How i wish i own a time machine, putting everything back in time and move a little slower. 
On 23 Oct which was 3 days ago? oh wait wait.. 3 days?! I thought it was just yesterday?? Gosh~ whats going on? 2012 why are you so rush?? Don't you wanna stay a little longer? its too rush , as fast as a smile. Lets go back to 23 Oct which was not a normal Tuesday, it was our 9th Monthsary that day. At start things doesn't go so well but fortunately before the day end he made everything right! I thought we will not met each other that day but who knows he popped up my house and dragged me out for a dinner. During the afternoon he told me he gonna do that, i thought he was just joking! haha. It was not! Had a simple yet great night with baby boo  Thankyou! You made me had my dinner that night. ILY ♥ 

Last but not least , i wanna share this video to you all ;) My jaw almost fall ! This was toooooo fucking AWESOME !! How can you not fall for it ? How can you refuse to say I Do ? Yes , indeed she's the happiest woman in the world !

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