Wednesday, November 14, 2012

11/11/2012 ♥

Let's guess where and what i'm gonna blog about today... 
I miss here so much. It been ages since the last time i came here...

Before revealing the place, here's my only ootd shot. 
Simple and casual look! 
H&M's Basic tee and skirt , Juicy couture's necklace , Tiffany & co's bracelet and Zara's sling bag.

Ok , it was Tokyo Street @ Pavillion. What to guess..easy peasy!  I bet many of you guessed correctly. Congratz! yea... Congratz lol . Should stop crapping and continue my post now. 
Went to Pavillion with mummy , cousin sista and my brother last sunday. Literally it took hours to reach there due to some reason. I even fell asleep in the car. It was a finally to reach! Once we stepped into Tokyo street , we got attracted by Ginza Cafe's pastries. So we decided to have our tea there.  

I can't remember the name for this. My mum said she likes it but for me ummm.. 

Vanilla Crème Brulée and i called it as the heavenly awesome Giant Macaron with almond and mixed berries. super long lame name lol.

From that day onwards , this will be my forever favorite!! Thought i'll be stop eating after a few try of it but its not! I can't get my mouth off of it! As you know i'm not a dessert person , i seldom eat cakes or whatsoever but i always couldn't resist those pretty and tempting desserts. You can also hardly find a dessert that taste like sugar free especially macaron! So this really surprised me. Not too sweet just nice and fine even the chocolate filling taste like sugar free and rich! How awesome! 

I know it looks a bit nasty here but it taste really AWESOME !!
I don't really drink coffee but how can i not order this ?! 
Hot latte with hello kitty on  

  Hot Mocha with 

Brought some cute pastries back.
Grape with raisin in it , pumpkin and green red apples with apple jam in it.

Happy Deepavali 

Walked down the street to H&M @ Lot 10
Like finally i came here but sadly i only bought 2 items back. Obviously not much different compare to the H&M we have here in Setia City Mall just that it was spacious and organize. 

At that time i was in a hurry to Jalan Alor for my dinner so i just randomly went in to Tea chansii grab and go a can of seaweed popcorn too bad i didn't get to try their fruit teas.

Tea Chansii 's popcorn and a can of cute hello kitty candy! 
That's all for now! kthxbye 

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