Thursday, October 11, 2012


Ohai ! can see how frequent i'm here nowadays. I'm just just just toooo boring! I know i shouldn't slacking around because SPM is just right around the corner /bangwall . Seriously i have No Motivation at all! I'm a very last minute person (only in studies). Why?! Why you can't go and study yourself automatically?! /slapface . By the way, i've changed the header! A photo that i took 23956970 years ago. Just randomly change it and i think i'll re-design my blog all over again. Any ideas? ;) I'm running out of ideas this time ;( 
Now here's a unrelated post! Sudden thoughts of mine.
A photo that i took with my kitty boy during Mid Autumn Day. Our first heart! lol. Kitty boy hates taking photos , i always force him to take photos with me. How dare him?! I have to force him to do so. I literally envy those boyfie like or automatically take photos of his gf or take candid shots of hers no matter where they are! *puppyeyes* Wonder why my kitty boy can't do so? *a punch for him* haha. 
Opss.. I should stop complaining about him! Or guys might be reading a super long essay! *ngek ngek* just kidding ~ He is good enough for me *kiss* 
 3 months more will be our 1st year anniversary! Should i say time flies or not? Because we both always felt that we like being together for years already. All these while , there's uncountable coincidence happened on us. I just couldn't explain how could this happen! Its quite amazing! haha. I love it :p 
I've no idea what am i crapping in this entire post! and you're wasting your time reading this :s
Kthxbye ♥ 

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