Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Minor updates ♥

Like finally i can rest my mind . Been memorizing a lot of things for my BM and English SPM trial paper! Its sad to say that i don't have any motivations to study anymore for the coming papers except for Geography and Science paper , subject that i'm interested with . Goshhh.. do you have any ideas for self-motivate ? *bang wall* Anyway , just wish me luck! So do all 2012 SPM candidates , good luck ! 

Randomly found a candid shot in my iphone . Almost forgotten to share my favorite candid shot ! 
Credit to my mom  
" The Lim's can see through you ! Behave . "

Looks cool huh ? Wonder who are they and what we are doing with the super 'chio' specs ? Before that try to spot the little monster ! hahaha . Copy cat ! 
Back to the topic , me and my family were wandering in Harvey Norman. Me and my younger brother the one who standing beside me were attracted by the big LG 3D Tv because we saw Super Junior's Mr. Simple MV was playing on the TV . Hence , we were finding the 3D specs like a shot and can't wait to watch the 3D effects in the MV ! Its really surprising us even my elder brother who doesn't stick to K-pop praised too! The MV was beyond awesome and not to forget to mention Victoria was the boom too!  In the end , my elder brother and little monster joins us too! Hahaha. 

Will be back when i have to time to update .

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